Pharmacy Voice communications

The LPC regularly receive useful information from Pharmacy Voice (CCA and AIMp companies communication) and felt that contractors may benefit from being able to access these

Pharmacy Voice Repeat Medication ordering audit

Last year Pharmacy Voice carried out a national audit of repeat medication ordering services by local community pharmacies. The sample covered  3,100 pharmacies, with data collated on 651,897 prescription items from 152,140 patients that were using repeat medication ordering services provided by their local community pharmacy.

The results of this audit will be published in the press tomorrow; details can be found here:

Pharmacy teams prevented the inappropriate supply of over 15 thousand items that were prescribed, but were not supplied to the patient because they were not needed. This is estimated to save the NHS about £300,000 per week.

Pharmacy teams play a key role in supporting patients with these schemes. In some pockets LPCs and pharmacies have had challenging discussions locally. In light of this the CCA has produced a draft letter for LPCs to use locally, and a briefing for LPC members when discussing this in meetings. These are attached.

Pharmacy Voice will shortly be publishing their audit specification and tools for 2014, which will cover prescribing incidents. Further details are to follow.