Nottinghamshire County Public Health
From 1 April 2013, Nottinghamshire County Public Health Team transferred to the Local Authority following the passing of the Health and Social Care Act 2012 and all Locally Commissioned Public Health Services (LCPHS) provided by Community Pharmacies have since been commissioned by Nottinghamshire County Council (the Council).
The following LCPHS are commissioned by the Council for Community Pharmacies
- Chlamydia
- Substance Misuse
- Needle Exchange
- Nottinghamshire Integrated Weight Management and Smoking Cessation services
If you would like to apply to provide any of these services, please email and an application form will be sent to you for completion.
The Director of Public Health is supported by the Public Health Team who are based either at County Hall or Meadow House (addresses below)
County Hall Meadow House
Loughborough Road Littleworth
West Bridgford Mansfield
Nottingham Notts
NG2 7QP NG18 2TB
Resources f0r pharmacy
New electronic Service Directory website has been developed, This is a central point to source information for all residents living in Nottinghamshire, identify what services are available in their area and to empower individuals to take more control over choosing the right support to meet their own identified outcomes. Website can be used during consultations with patients to direct them to relevant information in order to improve their individual health and well-being or for sourcing information to advertise local services. Please visit this site and find out what is available in your area.