Midlands Region
Midlands Regional office are the local team of NHS England
Pharmacy Contracting Team (East)
Contact via the generic email and address to the relevant person / reason for contacting so that it can be passed onto the correct person
Dianne Wells – Commissioning Manager – Pharmacy & Optometry
Razia Wilson – Contract Manager – Pharmacy & Optometry
Lorna Densham – Contracts Officer – Pharmacy and Optometry
Julie Rawlinson – Contracts Officer – Pharmacy and Optometry
Julie Smedley – Contracts Support Officer – Pharmacy and Optometry
Change of hours / closure notifications
For claims and returns please use the following email address:
The NHS England team have put together some useful information to help pharmacists when faced with difficult situations
Pharmacist Help Leaflet (Nov 2018) Final Version (040219)
All community pharmacy contract reporting including:
MUR training certificates
NMS returns
PREM1 / PREM2 forms
Complaints returns
Patient satisfaction survey results etc.
Should now be sent to the following email address england.eastmidspharmacy@nhs.net
There may be occasions when a contractor is unable to open its premises for a reason that is beyond its control. This includes:
Flooding of premises
- Lack of electricity
- Premises have been broken into
- Failure of pharmacist to be on duty
Where there is a temporary closure outside of the contractor’s control you are required by the 2013 Regulations to notify NHS England. The form attached to this email should be used for this purpose and submitted to NHS England by email to the appropriate email below:
Nottinghamshire Pharmacies to england.eastmidspharmacy@nhs.net
Notification of unplanned temporary suspension of services