EPS Continuity

Business Continuity

Get your SOPs in order and have a robust Business Continuity Plan (what happens if the lights go out?). Your system suppliers can help you with these points so use them!

business cont slides v0.3 July 2015




Deployment map – latest switch on’s  (ensure check this regularly)

There is a list on the NHS England website of all GP sites that have been given authority to deploy EPS R2 under the old governance arrangements for authorising GPs to start issuing electronic prescriptions

Check when GP practices are given authorisation for EPS Release 2 – link to website

Arrangements post-April 1st: There has been a delay in getting the new arrangements confirmed (i.e. the requirement for a GP to provide 8-weeks’ notice before they goes live) – we are expecting this to be confirmed by NHS England later this week or early next week including providing more detail on the administrative process that a GP needs to go through to provide notice.

Linked to this CfH are aiming to start emailing out the weekly emails to LPCs with information on planned GP deployments that may impact on local pharmacies – these will be updated on this  website asap.