The Pentasa Support Program (PSP) is a service  provided by Ferring to help patients get the most out of taking their mesalazine and in managing their ulcerative colitis.
Community pharmacy is ideally placed to ensure that patients  are aware of  the program and have the opportunity to register for support if they wish.  Ferring have agreed to fund pharmacy  teams who successfully register patients on to the programme.

The Service

Any patient who receives a prescription for Pentasa  (Pentasa PI July 2014) is eligible to be registered with the PSP.  Any member of staff who the Responsible Pharmacist decides is competent can deliver this service. If a patient presents with a prescription for Mesalazine:

  •  Staff explain
    •  Service to support the patient in getting the most from their treatment.
    • Support to help them with lifestyle changes that will make managing their disease easier.
    •  This support is free.
    • To access the support the patient will need to consent to information (name, address etc) being shared to allow for administration of the scheme.  Verbal consent can be obtained over the telephone for patients who get their prescription delivered.

Using the “LPC fax enrolment form” (below) the pharmacist can enroll the patient and then  fax the form through to Alison, Secretary for Nottinghamshire LPC.  All details must be completed and these should be easily readable as well as ensuring that the pharmacy code, pharmacy name and postcode is completed.   Alison will then log the referral and send on to Wizzard for them to contact the patient.  Once they have verified that the patient does wish to be enrolled on the support program they will send through a weekly report to the LPC to then create an invoice for payment.  For each patient referral that has been confirmed Ferring will pay the pharmacy a set fee – this will be paid by Ferring but Nottinghamshire LPC will ensure that referrals that have been accepted, are correctly processed and paid.  Nottinghamshire LPC will send through payment amounts to Ferring every 3 months –  01/01/, 01/04/, 01/07/, 01/10.

Fax referral form – click here to downloadBANK-TRANSFER-DETAILS-form

Account Details form for payments to be made by Ferring –  BANK TRANSFER DETAILS form

AAH wholesaler details if any pharmacist has difficulties getting hold of Ferring products

AAH 2014 contact details