Sexual Health Services

Tender for EHC service from April 2025

Nottinghamshire County Council is recommissioning Emergency Hormonal Contraceptive (EHC) service provision, within community pharmacy, from April 2025. This recommissioning is in response to national procurement changes, which will affect the way that healthcare services are procured.
EHC provision within community pharmacy is considered as an important part of the sexual health system. It offers timely access to contraception and sexual health advice in order to contribute to reducing unplanned pregnancies, particularly for those at greatest risk of adverse sexual health outcomes. Community pharmacies are conveniently located in the heart of communities, with long opening hours and trained clinical staff who reflect the diversity of their communities.
Public health commissioners have worked closely with community pharmacies and the Local Pharmaceutical Committee to listen and respond to the challenges faced by the sector. We have increased the consultation fee to £15 and have streamlined the service specification to reduce the requirement to sign lots of documentation.
The new specification integrates the EHC offer with the contraceptive element of the Pharmacy First Service. Providing oral contraceptives during an EHC consultation ensures immediate access to a more sustainable and ongoing form of contraceptive. Pharmacies will also be able to opt into an additional condom delivery service (Component B) to make the most of the opportunity to offer under 25-year-olds free condoms at the end of an EHC consultation.
The new contract will be for a period of three plus two (3+2) years. To sign up to this service, pharmacies must register on and register an interest in the service ( link: Supply of Emergency Hormonal Contraception).

A step-by-step guide and overview have been produced to support with this process –ITT Guide FINAL


Nottinghamshire County Council Emergency Hormonal Contraceptive (EHC) Contract Update (February 2025)

 The initial round of submissions for the recommissioning of the Nottinghamshire County Council Emergency Hormonal Contraceptive (EHC) contract closed in late January, with a very positive response to the contract offer.

The second round for Expressions of Interest is currently open and will close on Monday 3rd March. There will be further opportunities to register Expressions of Interest throughout the contract period for pharmacies that did not apply initially.

Please note that the current EHC contract will end on 31st March. Pharmacies not signed up to the new contract will not be reimbursed for any EHC activity after this date. This contract is only for those pharmacies that are within the administrative boundaries of Nottinghamshire County Council.


To sign up for this service, pharmacies must register on and express their interest in the service.



Please send your queries to
and someone will respond as soon as possible

A message has been sent out on PharmOutcomes regarding the refreshed emergency contraception (EC) PGD under the Locally Commissioned Public Health Contract with Nottinghamshire County Council. Documentation has also been sent to head offices for signing.

Emergency Hormonal Contraception


Please contact us at if you have any queries.


PGD and SLA for EHC service

Document 1 – Covering PGD letter to Pharmacists Feb 2023_

Document 2 – Nottinghamshire CC adapted Levonorgestrel-National PGD template final 2023 Valid March 2023 – Feb 2026

Document 3 –  Nottinghamshire CC adapted Ulipristal-National-PGD-template-final 2023 Valid March 2023 – Feb 2026

Document 4 – EHC EHC LCPHS Service specification 2023-2026

Document 5 – EHC Consultation Form 2019-20



Signposting and referral routes information for Pharmacists re EHC delivery

For completion and return:

Pharmacy EHC Delivery Declaration 2017-18 v2


Jenny Harrison –

Mob: 07790835927


  • Do you work with young people aged 13-25?
  • Do you want to gain skills and knowledge in sexual health, including contraception and STI’s?
  • Do you want to support young people in making the right sexual health choices?

If you think the C Card Scheme is right for your organisation, and the young people you worth with, then you can be involved. To offer the C Card you must become a trained C Card Worker. Attached is a copy of our training programme, alternatively you can follow the link below to see what courses are available and our online booking system;

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to be in touch on the contact details above