Pharmacy Contraception Service funding and claims
The following fees have been agreed for the service:
- A set-up fee of £900 per pharmacy premises paid in instalments as follows:
- £400 paid on signing up to deliver the service via the NHSBSA’s MYS portal;
- £250 paid after claiming the first 5 consultations;
- £250 paid after claiming a further 5 consultations (i.e. 10 consultations completed); and
- A fee for each consultation of £18.
A consultation fee is claimable irrespective of the outcome of the consultation.
Where a pharmacy owner is commissioned to provide any related services, e.g. the Hypertension Case-Finding Service (incorporating BP clinic measurement), the pharmacy owner may not claim twice for the same activity.
The product price for the OC supplied will be reimbursed in accordance with the Drug Tariff determination. Any purchase margin by pharmacies relating to contraceptives supplied as part of this service would be included in the calculation of allowed purchase margin that forms a part of agreed NHS pharmacy funding.
Where a price concession has been granted for specific strengths of a product, this concession will apply to those specific strengths of products supplied as part of this service. Concessions will only apply to the month in which they are granted according to the usual Drug Tariff arrangements.
Out of pocket expenses cannot be claimed as part of this service.
Prescription charges are not relevant to the provision of this service and an appropriate patient declaration is not required.
Data from the NHS-assured IT system will be submitted to the MYS portal via an application programming interface and will be used by the NHSBSA to populate a payment claim within the MYS portal.
The pharmacy owner needs to review this payment claim and then submit it. Claims for payment for this service should be made monthly, via the MYS portal and no later than three months from the claim period for the chargeable activity provided. Claims which relate to work completed more than three months after the claim period in question, will not be paid.