New Medicine Service (NMS)
New Medicine Service (NMS) – you will be directed to the PSNC website
Service description
This service will provide support to people who are newly prescribed a medicine to manage a long term condition,which will generally help them to appropriately improve their medication adherence.
Aims and intended outcomes
The service should:
a) help patients and carers manage newly prescribed medicines for a LTC and make shared decisions about their LTC
b) recognise the important and expanding role of pharmacists in optimising the use of medicines
c) increase patient adherence to treatment and consequently reduce medicines wastage and contribute to the NHS Quality, Innovation, Productivity and Prevention (QIPP) agenda
d) supplement and reinforce information provided by the GP and practice staff to help patients make informed choices about their care
e) promote multidisciplinary working with the patient’s GP practice
f) link the use of newly-prescribed medicines to lifestyle changes or other non-drug interventions to promote well-being and promote health in people with LTCs
g) promote and support self-management of LTCs, and increase access to advice to improve medicines adherence and knowledge of potential side effects
h) support integration with LTC services from other healthcare providers and provide appropriate signposting and referral to these services i) improve pharmacovigilance
j) through increased adherence to treatment, reduce medicines-related hospital admissions and improve quality of life for patients.