Community Pharmacy Nottinghamshire Governance

Governance Documents for Community Pharmacy Nottinghamshire (Nottinghamshire LPC) are available below.  These are reviewed and updated yearly.

Constitution – members constantly review the constitution and check that the committee are following this in all aspects of their work.  There is a governance section at the beginning of the monthly meeting agenda’s and there is a Governance sub-group.

Nottinghamshire LPC constitution 2023

The committee work towards the Governance framework that CPE have produced and use – Governance Framework for Community Pharmacy Nottinghamshire April 2024 and the Code of Conduct document – Code of Conduct for Community Pharmacy Nottinghamshire


Also members complete a Code of Conduct / Declaration of Interest form yearly which the office manager keeps and brings to each  meeting – these are available to review in the table of members on the members page

Committee members work to the nolan principles