Risk Management – Preparing for the QPS scheme

7th February 2019 7.15pm - 9pm

LPC office, Cotgrave Business Hub, Candleby Lane, Cotgrave, NG11 3JQ

The LPC is providing a workshop to help you ensure that you can claim for the risk management related criteria in the QPS scheme on 15th February 2019, the review day.

The workshop will include

  • A brief overview of the CPPE Risk Management workbook
  • Identified key points to help pharmacy professionals complete the CPPE Risk Management assessment
  • The opportunity to partly complete a patient safety report and create an action plan to complete it
  • The opportunity to develop a hazzard assessment to meet the requirements of the QPS scheme

A buffet will be available at the LPC offices from 6.45pm

Book your place here – https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/managing-risk-preparation-of-the-qps-scheme-tickets-55080315707

The quality payments review date is drawing near. In the current tough financial environment pharmacy contractors need to ensure that they claim whatever is available from the NHS. Contractors need to ensure that they meet as many quality payment criteria as possible to maximise their QPS payment.

Risk Management is involved in a number of criteria in the QPS scheme, specifically

  • On the day of the review, 80% of all registered pharmacy professionals working at the pharmacy have satisfactorily completed the CPPE Risk Management training
  • has an example of a risk review that the pharmacy team at the premises have drawn up for a risk in that pharmacy
  • has a written patient safety report at premises level available for inspection
  • the pharmacy actively identifies and manages the risks associated with specified look-alike sound-alike errors (LASA)
  • the pharmacy uploads any LASA incident reports to the NRLS