30th June 2019

School of Pharmacy, University of Nottingham

A face to face vaccination training workshop must be repeated every three years. Pharmacists will need to be trained if

  • they last attended training during or before 2016, or
  • they have never received training 

The LPC will be providing two workshops on Sunday 30th June; morning (8.30am to 1pm) and afternoon (1.30pm – 6pm). They will be held at the School of Pharmacy at the University of Nottingham. You can book onto the workshops on Eventbrite by following the links below;

Morning – https://notts_lpc_vaccination_2019am.eventbrite.co.uk

Afternoon – https://notts_lpc_vaccination_2019pm.eventbrite.co.uk

The cost of the workshop will be £55 (+ VAT) per person. This workshop is being subsidised by the LPC and represents a 50% saving on available open courses. The workshop will also provide training on Strep A swob testing allowing pharmacists to provide a Strep A Test and Treat service (separate PGD required for this service).

If you want to book multiple places on the workshops and would prefer to pay by a single invoice please respond to this email providing details of the participants on the attached spreadsheet. An invoice will be then provide and places reserved.

This training will be open to pharmacists, and preregistration pharmacists who have undertaken their preregistration assessment.